Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 29, 2013 - "Moon"

ATN - From Here to the Moon and Back...first song on the new Willie Nelson

MEB - Yum
MEL - Barret reads this book to Robert every night

October 28, 2013 - "Looking back"

ATN - My daughters & my sister just spent 4 days traveling to and in
Atlanta...a lot of that time was spent Looking Back by telling family
stories especially those that concerned my mother sometimes laughing
until we cried.  What fun that was...xoxo

MEB - Looking back

MEL - Looking back to back up and head to school!  I am not sure my passenger is awake yet.

October 27, 2013 - "Morning"

ATN - Sunday morning Courtenay, Mary & I packed, said goodby to Margaret and
headed home after a wonderful 3 days of togetherness and attending the
Country Living Fair in Atlanta.

MEB - Walking Luke first thing in the morning.

MEL - Aunt Cooks will do her morning yoga anywhere.

October 26, 2013 - "Listening To"

ATN - Listening to one of the HGTV speakers at the Atlanta Country Living Fair.

MEB - While attending the Country Living Fair in Atlanta, I was able to listen to several folks talk about their craft or hobby.

MEL - I always knew where mom was today.  I just had to listen for her!

October 25, 2013 - "People"

ATN - People in the underwater tunnel at the Georgia Aquarium.

MEB - I was able to have dinner with two wonderful sisters!

MEL - Who are these people with 3D glasses on?

October 24, 2013 - "Weather"

ATN - The weather is changing and some of my potted plants are showing the
results of the cold nights...
MEB - It is beginning to look and feel like autumn... sunny and cool(er).
MEL - Beautiful weather in Atlanta. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 23, 2013 - "The View from here"

ATN - This is the view down Naylors Beach Road....leaves are just beginning
turn colors.

MEB - This was our view from the top of Bell Mountain... Feels like the top of the world!
MEL - The view from Robert's school when I picked him up this afternoon

October 22, 2013 - "In your town"

ATN - Want to get a Tattoo??  This is one of the first things you see as you
approach my town....lovely isn't it??

MEB - Around my town you can often smell the aroma of freshly baked bread...

MEL - I could have showed you a lot around my town...but a sick little one kept us inside today.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 21, 2013 - "Calm"

ATN - Monday morning calm.  My Rappahannock River....

MEB - After spending the weekend at the kennel, Luke has finally calmed down... 4 hours later!
MEL - Although it looks like is the calmest it has been all day.

October 20, 2013 - "4 o'clock"

ATN - Around 4:00 today on our way home from Florida, we stopped for gas and
saw a raccoon trying to share the cat's dinner.

MEB - We found ourselves driving home at 4:00...
MEL - Emptied the cooler from our trip at 4pm.

October 19, 2013 - Letters

ATN - N. E. S. W.   Directions on the compass that hangs on Carol Neumann's remember all of her JazzSea cruises.

MEB - Becca's sorority letters...
MEL - Barret has a stack of letters waiting for him to get home from Alabama.

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 18, 2013 - "Something that Made you smile today"

ATN -  My sister & brother-in-law have a wonderful Wheaton Terrier namced
Riley...he has such a beautiful face he makes the world smile!

MEB - These two young ladies make me smile!
MEL - Movie night with these two cuties made me smile...but finding all the popcorn that Grace had been hoarding under the sheets because she "needed it" after the movie was hysterical. 

October 17, 2013 - "Fruit"

ATN -  Fruit du jour....chopped up fresh pineapple!

MEB - Banana pudding...  Yummy🍌
MEL - Fruit puzzle in the Greensboro Science Center's playroom.

October 16, 2013 - "Something you wrote"

ATN - Hey, I'm on vacation!  Not writing much...except notes to each other.

MEB - When I get bored... I start to doodle!
MEL - A note to Robert's teacher about the food in his lunchbox.  Clean eating!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 15, 2013 - "Dinnertime"

ATN - After going out for dinner for 4 previous evenings, tonight's supper
was cheeses, pate, & leftover mussels   Delicious!  Napoleons for

MEB - I have been looking forward to dinner time... Steaks cooked on the grill!  YUMMY!!!!
MEL - Tonight we had homemade chicken nuggets.  Delicious!  And no HFCS!

October 14, 2013 - "Makes You Laugh"

ATN - Well.  Not really.  But it made John Frazier laugh when he saw the
division of the bill.  Tommy had the all-you-can-eat mussels.

MEB - This tickles me!
MEL - I love cards from Uncle Gwynne.  This one makes me laugh because it is his anniversary card to Barret and me.  Pure awesomeness.

October 13, 2013 - "Landscape"

ATN - Eat your hearts out!  Landscape around 'our' pool in the early morning.

MEB - The view of the pond...
MEL - My neighbors are landscaping their back yard.  Cannot wait to see what it looks like!