Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 25, 2013 - "Sky"

ATN - 7:00 am this morning - Nags Head

MEB - Due to being in an area without reliable wifi, I had take a picture from my computer (thus the reason for the green lines). We rode the Stone Mountain Sky Ride to the top of the mountain.
MEL - The sky in Nags Head as the sun goes down

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 24, 2013 - "A Sound you Heard"

ATN -  The Outer Banks NC for Thanksgiving...best week in the whole year!

MEB - There is something about sitting around the campfire listening to it crackle that begs the question is this paradise?
MEL - The sound of the nebulizer is much better then the sound of a hacking cough. 

November 23, 2013 - "Black"

ATN - Dead ahead is the ocean but you can't see it because it is BLACK!!

MEB - My dear ol' friend Ms. Hattie Maru. I love and miss you sweet girl! 🐾
MEL - A logo on the side of a truck on our way to Nags Head has my sister's initials in black!

November 22, 2013 - "Grateful"

ATN - We are so grateful for Edie and all the work she does for us!
MEB - I am grateful for beautiful South Georgia mornings.
MEL - I am grateful to my husband for my new camera lens!

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 21, 2013 - "What I Wore"

ATN - Today I wore my gloves when I drove my car...the steering wheel was cold!

MEB - Thanksgiving is a week away and I am wearing flip-flops... I am ready for some cooler weather.

MEL - Today I wore my favorite Fyre cowboy boots!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 20, 2013 - "Work/Play"

ATN - Work/Play.  My son has a business taking clients hunting for a
weekend...gourmet suppers, country breakfasts and some of the best
hunting in the area.  That is not to say it is all work....he loves it
and will go out with or without a client.  His sons and brother agree
with him and will go too.

MEB -Luke played so hard that he fell sound asleep in his bed filled with toys!
MEL - Since my precious dog Mako has a little separation anxiety, I had to move my home office downstairs.  Now Robert and I share a work/play room.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 19, 2013 - "Something awesome"

ATN -  Wouldn't this be AWESOME??? Road trip anyone???
MEB - What could be more awesome than HOT running water after being without for 3 weeks!

MEL - This glamour shot of Mako & Abbey is just plain awesome and by awesome I mean hilarious.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 18, 2013 - "Something that happened this weekend"

ATN - Beth and Jennings got engaged!!

MEB - This weekend we devoted on painting and moving stuff back into the areas that were affected by the water heater bursting
MEL - This weekend the new Headmistress of St. Margaret's School was installed. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 17, 2013 - "The Last Thing I Bought"

ATN - I bought Raspberry Lemon Marmalade at the Tappahannock Farmer's Market
MEB - Shhh... The last thing I bought was a Christmas present for a friend of ours.  Wonder if he will share?

MEL - I bought Robert a piece of pizza at Costco while Barret ran around and did the shopping today.  I think I got the better end of that deal.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 16, 2013 - "The view from your window"

ATN - View from window next to my desk...our cars, my sister's house, light
pole and a wagon!
MEB - The view out my window...

MEL - The view from my kitchen window. 

November 15, 2013 - "in your bag"

ATN - My 7th grade journal from our trip to Japan that is in the Red
Suitcase for which I was responsible...held passports, orders, &
medical records for 5 members of my family. My mother took care of the
other 3 children and I held onto the red suitcase for dear life!

MEB - This is what the inside of my pocketbook currently looks like. However, the neatness could change at a moments notice!

MEL - Bags inside of bags for grocery shopping.

November 14, 2013 - "Man-made"

ATN -  This is a 'man-made' fire that the Mundies set on the preserve.  When
the flames hit the pile of brush we could see flames from the cottage.
 I called Mt. Airy to make sure they were all ok.
MEB - An iron fence and fish bell in front of a  man made pond.
MEL- Smyrna Baptist Church built by my husband.

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 13, 2013 - "Where you slept"

ATN - Red and white stripes...warm and cozy.

MEB - My favorite place to sleep is in my own bed!

MEL - Good morning.  Don't worry I will make it right before I go to bed tonight.

November 12, 2013 - "Drink"

ATN - Ice to the top. Orange juice. Mango juice. Pineapple juice. Light run.
 Spiced rum. YUM YUM
MEB - Some drink coffee first thing in the morning, I drink a Diet Coke!
MEL - May I offer you a drink?  A bourbon and Northern Neck Ginger-ale perhaps?

November 11, 2013 - "Night"

ATN- Outside light is on but still can't see very much..about 8:30 at NIGHT
here on the river...

MEB - While painting baseboards tonight, Luke decided he wanted to make sure I was doing a good job!

MEL - I have the best girlfriends.  Each month we have a girls' dinner at a new restaurant.  I should have taken a picture of all of us, but I were too busy talking and laughing to remember to do it.  So here I am on my way home from a girls' night out.

November 10, 2013 - "Can't (won't) live without"

ATN - This one is easy....my heartbeat!

MEB - Even though this picture was taken a few weeks ago, I can't and wouldn't live without my family... They are my world

MEL - These two, of course!