Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 28, 2014 - "Door"

ATN - I loved my yellow screen door until Opal decided she needed to have her own entry...

MEB - My refrigerator door...

MEL - Robert's fun green door!

April 27, 2014 - "Any Animal but a Dog"

ATN - This is one of Catherine's chickens and the way she was strutting
around, she knew she was beautiful!

MEB - This is a teddy bear that sits on the shelf in my classroom.

MEL - The Jurassic Park T-rex in the Toys R Us in Times Square!

April 26, 2014 - "Magazine"

ATN -  These are some of my favorite magazines!

MEB - Both my husband and I enjoy reading this magazine.

MEL - A magazine in our Conference Swag Bag from one of the Sponsors

April 25, 2014 - "Beautiful"

ATN - I think Catherine's chicken house and fence look beautiful!

MEB - beautiful handmade quilt a friend of ours gave Becca.

MEL - The beautiful Robin Roberts telling her inspirational story to Star Jones at my National Association of Professional Women Conference today.

April 24, 2014 - "Dog's Paw"

ATN - Opal's paw!  Didn't know this would be so difficult.  Everytime the
camera clicked..Opal would move and try to lick the lens!
MEB - Luke's spotted paw...

MEL - Mako's poor red paw that he chews constantly because of allergies

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 23, 2014 - "Closeup"

ATN - Close up of a money plant flower.
MEB - Stone Crab claws for dinner... Need I say more?
MEL - Close-up of Spring.

April 22, 2014 - "Something Pink"

         ATN - A stack of bright pink flower pots found at Lowes!
MEB - The roses are blooming in the Rose City.

MEL - Pink Vera Bradley

April 21, 2014 - "Fruit"

ATN - Bowl of Fugi apples...my favorite!
MEB - Two of the many fruits that I enjoy eating.

MEL - Today on Peppa Pig, Peppa and her family go to pick apples.  Oink.

April 20, 2014 - "Easter"

ATN - Just doesn't feel right w/o a hat on Easter Sunday!
MEB - Easter baskets and jellybeans...

MEL - Took Mako to Easter on Parade in Richmond.  Walked him 6 blocks and he was worn out, bleeding, and acting like Barret might leave him.  This was our car ride home.  

April 19, 2014 - "A Mess"

ATN - Typical mess in this house is a stack of read newspapers...
MEB - Luke made a mess of his toy by tearing it apart in 7 1/2 days!

MEL - A mess of beautiful flowers.

April 18, 2014 - "Eyes"

ATN - Somewhere under all that fluff this alpaca has eyes!!  Isn't he cute?
MEB - Guess who?!?
MEL - That poor bunny has a terrified look in his eyes.

April 17, 2014 - "Sunset"

ATN -  From Cat Point Creek Bridge...the sun has just set....lights on in Gwynnfield. 
This was the sunset we encountered... I sat and just watched in awe. 
I missed the sunset tonight because we were too busy playing pirate ship.

April 16, 2014 - "Dinner Tonight"

ATN - Tommy burgers and salad!

MEB - A cobb salad for dinner

MEL - Buddah Bowl!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 15, 2014 - "Your favorite shoes"

ATN - Right now these are my favorite shoes...means spring is here and summer is coming!!

MEB - One of my favorite pairs of shoes include slippers that my grandmother gave me years ago...
MEL - Summer is almost here!

April 14, 2014 - "Low Angle"

ATN - An eye level photo of Opal.

MEB - I took this shot while Luke was chewing his bone while he way laying on me.

MEL - That face.

April 13, 2014 - "High Angle"

ATN - A view of Opal from above!

MEB - Luke was playing / destroying his new toy

MEL - I missed this little one so much while I was gone.  Glad to get some snuggles with him.

April 12, 2014 - "Something Red"

ATN - My red kitchen counter..of course!!

MEB - I have had to pack my red beach in preparation for our trip home from Tybee Island.
MEL - My mom's red shirt caught in the reflection of a picture that I was taking to send to Barret who was in Darlington at the time!