Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 24, 2014 - "Path"

ATN - Little path around the shrubs on the way to Joe's Crab Shack at
Daytona Beach, FL.
MEB - The path to my desk at school.
MEL - Our path to nowhere.  

June 23, 2014 - "Sharp"

ATN - Our waiter at lunch thinks he really looks sharp!  "hunka hunka burning love"
MEB - This pencil sharpener will sharpen pencils SHARP!!!

MEL - I finally got myself a pair of sharp garden shears!

June 22, 2014 - "Sound"

ATN -  The boardwalk at Daytona Beach is full of sound...even at night.
MEB - The sound of crashing waves is wonderful!

MEL - I think my tea is telling me not to make a sound.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 21, 2014 - "Relax"

ATN - This is not relaxing way to drive on 95....fortunately the storm was
less than 5 minutes!!

MEB - What better way to relax than to walk on the beach!

MEL - Trying to get the boys to relax after playing outside all afternoon.
It didn't last very long :)

June 20, 2014 - "Sand"

ATN - We spent the whole day on 95 south and the only sand we saw was in an ad.
MEB - Sand between my toes... Ahhhh!

MEL - In the city we don't see much sand.  Just a lot of concrete.

June 19, 2014 - "Go"

ATN - GO! little boxwood GO!  This is my Sarah/Erik boxwood from their
wedding...transplanted today in a nice big pot with new soil.  Hope
the move doesn't kill it.  growgrowgrow
MEB - We are packed and ready to go... All we have to do now is wait Bill to get off work!
MEL - I think we are going letting a butterfly go today!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 18, 2014 - "Doing"

ATN - What was I doing today?  Fixing supper for the 45 people who are coming on the 4th of July....all made and in the freezer!!
MEB - What am I doing?  I am packing to go camping at the beach!!!!!
MEL - It doesn't matter what they are doing, as long as Robert is with Grandad,
he is happy.  

June 17, 2014 - "4"

ATN - The number 4 is part of my street address as shown on this
package from Mary Page.
MEB - The fourth inning of a softball game...
MEL - My amazing friend, Pie, is pregnant with 4 babies!!!

June 16, 2014 - "Smile"

ATN- Great smiles

MEB - Every time I see this collage it makes me smile!
MEL - Seeing all the hummingbirds and cardinals outside of our kitchen window
has made my whole family smile.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 15, 2014 - "Glasses"

ATN - An old shutter holds all my glasses...prescription, sun and $Tree specials!

MEB - Love these shades...
MEL - We spent Father's Day morning here where Barret got new Coasta Sunglasses!

June 14, 2014 - "After"

ATN- After a downpour the sun was trying to poke through the clouds before setting.

MEB - After... I am so much closer to reaching my goal!
MEL - After playing in the pool, riding down the hill in a toy car, shooting water guns, and eating ribs these two boys decided it was time to watch Mickey Mouse and eat Salt & Vinegar chips. #boys

June 13, 2014 - "Blurry"

ATN -  If you stare at this long enough your eyes start to feel crossed xx
MEB - Nothing like wanting to take a picture of something while in a moving car. Two lessons learned... 1) By the time you you press the button and the camera clicks, you have passed the object.  2)  the picture will be blurry!  DUH!!!!
MEL - Put your camera out of focus and poof you have a blurry Mako.

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 12, 2014 - "Goodnight"

ATN - Goodnight Opal
MEB- Goodnight!

MEL - This well read book is a favorite in our house.
Goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"!

June 11, 2014 - "Want"

ATN - What I want is 2 days of no rain so the grass will dry enough to cut!
(I know...come August I will be wishing for rain.)

MEB - I have been wanting a Carmel Frosty milkshake for weeks. I finally broke down and got one!
MEL - I want this pair of Hunter Boots in size 7.5.

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 10, 2014 - "B"

ATN - Bill and Barret...two of the best sons-in-law ever!
MEB - Black birthday balloons...

MEL - Bee Balm Blooming

June 9, 2014 - "Corner"

ATN - Tommy's favorite corner is where he keeps his wine rack..
MEB - The chair on this corner of the living room is huge!
MEL - I think this would be a perfect corner for a rain barrel!

June 8, 2014 - "Mine"

ATN - My Element is getting old...but she's been a great car and all mine.

MEB - This well loved teddy bear was given to my sister when she was born. But I was heading off to school the next year and wanted something of hers... So the bear became mine! Sorry Mary!!!!

MEL - So lucky to have both of these boys be mine.